I'm out (My winter sabbatical)

In the spirit of Eddie Shleyner's Very Good Copy, that I recently published my book notes from, I'm trying out a few of his copywriting tips for this post. Thus, the short, attention grabbing headline (I hope 🤔).

94 Words on Sabbaticals

My calendar has two standing placeholders for sabbaticals. A winter one and a summer.

They are two-months chunks of time where I intend to take a break from my business and other routines.

I use these breaks to give me more time to do the things I want to do, and less time doing what I think I should do. These sabbaticals also give me the space to re-evaluate my business model and where I want to focus.

So, I'll be on winter sabbatical until January 15th.

I'll see you when I get back.

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