Stress-Free Finances book

Stress-Free Finances book

In my new book, Stress-Free Finances, I'm teaching you everything I've learned about personal finance after over 25+ years and $800M in transactions.

Create a stress-free relationship with money

It will come as no shock to you that money is the number one stressor in life. According to some reports, 73% of Americans (where I live) rank finances as the number one stress point in life. 

What if it didn’t have to be that way? What if there was a way to live with stress-free finances? What would it be like to once and for all conquer the almighty dollar and instead of you serving money, you made your money serve you?

I am not going to promise you that I can teach you to get rich. I’m only making you one promise. That alone is scary enough for me. But, we’ve got this, right?

If you get dead serious about taking control of your money you will eventually experience the peace that comes with stress-free finances. 

But, wait, what does “eventually” mean? It means that I don’t know how long this journey will take you. Some people will reach a stress-free state quicker than others. There are so many variables included that I can’t tell you how long this will take. For example, I have an advantage that others normally don’t have. I’ve built up 25+ years of finance experience and knowledge that I can leverage. 

Wouldn’t you love to be able to tap into that experience? Oh wait, you can. That is the entire reason I wrote this book. I’m sharing with you everything (yes, everything) I’ve learned in over 25+ years in finance. From managing other people’s money to the tune of $800,000,000, to managing my own money. Is my family wealthy? Nope. But, what we are is stress-free. You can’t put a price tag on that.

To help you implement what you read, I am going to go out of my way to give you actionable ways to make that happen. For example, when I talk about determining how much life insurance you should have, I’ll be providing you with a template, in the form of a downloadable, to use in determining that number. While I’d like to think that my advice is valuable, the real value in this book is going to be all the templates and resources that I created or found for you.

Those templates include:

I'll also be teaching you:

I'm pouring my entire 25+ years' worth of experience into this book.