Jonathan Mills Patrick

Jonathan Mills Patrick

✍🏻 & 🎙 about entrepreneurship, finance, and startups; Interests include 🏋🏻🚵 🥋 🤼‍♀️ 🥊

Jan 04
They should take my Marketing degree away
Jan 01
How to confidently charge your worth
Dec 24
Here’s my framework for this time of year
Dec 22
Ho freaking ho! The Santa Clause Rally is on!
Dec 18
AI is coming for your job
Dec 11
Why Now is the Time to be Spring Cleaning your Investments
Dec 04
Entrepreneurship is all about this…
Nov 27
Never pay someone to fundraise for you, unless…
Nov 20
Here’s exactly how much money your startup should raise
Nov 13
Worried about layoffs? Watch for these indicators.
Nov 06
Twitter could be best social media platform for professionals
Oct 30
I need a startup scout
Oct 23
The Evolution of Business Loans
Oct 16
Personal Financial Statement - why you should be keeping one
Oct 09
Managing your 401k in a tough market
Oct 02
Building wealth with Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)
Sep 25
The safest way to earn 9.62% - i Bonds
Sep 18
Your Guru is Wrong about having an LLC!
Sep 11
What I’ve learned as a startup analyst for an angel investing syndicate
Aug 28
Level Up Your Investing with this One Question