Jonathan Mills Patrick

Jonathan Mills Patrick

✍🏻 & 🎙 about entrepreneurship, finance, and startups; Interests include 🏋🏻🚵 🥋 🤼‍♀️ 🥊

Jan 09
Thoughts On <If the Housing Market Will Meltdown>
Jan 06
There Are Two Main Types of Business Plans
Jan 04
Heard of SAFEs? What about SAFTs?
Dec 14
When Should You Use a Business Plan Template?
Dec 12
Thoughts On <NFTs>
Dec 09
The Best Pitch Deck Templates
Dec 07
Should You Use a Pitch Deck Template?
Dec 05
Thoughts On <the US National Debt>
Dec 02
Managing Productivity and Time-off Around the Holidays
Nov 30
These are the pitch deck slides that every founder screws up
Nov 22
Small Business Grants That Are Still Available