Jonathan Mills Patrick

Jonathan Mills Patrick

✍🏻 & 🎙 about entrepreneurship, finance, and startups; Interests include 🏋🏻🚵 🥋 🤼‍♀️ 🥊

Feb 27
Thoughts On <Premium Pricing>
Feb 22
Your Ego is Expensive
Feb 20
Thoughts on <Career Choices>
Feb 17
He Wanted My Business, I Wanted References
Feb 15
3 Step Process for Generating Business Ideas
Feb 13
Thoughts on <Bootstrapping vs Fundraising>
Feb 10
Real-life Super Powers Anyone Can Have
Feb 08
How I use Utility Marketing in my Product Design to avoid losing $$$
Feb 06
Thoughts on <my first Angel Investment>
Feb 03
How to land Real Estate Investors for your project
Feb 01
How to finance real estate investing with loans
Jan 30
Thoughts on <Being a Freelancer>
Jan 27
Interview: Sidharth Jain of GraffersID
Jan 25
The Best Financial Projection Templates
Jan 23
Thoughts on <Ethereum v. Solana>
Jan 20
Can you launch a tech startup without a technical background?
Jan 18
How long does it take to write a business plan?
Jan 16
Thoughts on <the metaverse>
Jan 13
The Best Companies for Startup Formation
Jan 11
Lessons from writing over 1,000 words per day